
Showing posts from July, 2017

hacking padding oracle

Padding oracle is a vulnerable machine which can be downloaded from "".The main aim of this machine is to log in as admin. step 1 : Run the "ifconfig" command in terminal in kali linux to know the ip address of the machine from which you will be attcking on the Padding oracle machine.And the "route -n" command will show the default gateway.     step 2:  Run the "nmap -sV -O -sS -T4 Ip address of gateway/24" command to get the ip address of all the machine that are present on the same network.         step 3:  After identifying the target ip address run the uniscan command to get the details of all the directories and of all the files.     step 4 : copy and paste all the urls in the browser to gather information about the machine.on copying and the pasting the url "http://target ip/login.php".     step 5 : On searching the url "http://target ip/index.php"     The message directly tells that...

Information gathering using nmap

             NMAP|PENETRATION TESTING TOOL INTRODUCTION Nmap (Network mapper) is a free and open source tool used for network discovery and security auditing. Nmap is a CLI(command line interface) based tool originally written by "Gordon Lyon". NmapFE is the GUI(Graphical user interface) based tool originally written by "Zach Smith" which was later replaced with Zenmap which is also a GUI based on UMIT, developed by "Adriano Monteiro Marques".To accomplish its goal, Nmap sends specially crafted packets to the target host(s) and then analyses the responses that it receives from the hosts(s). FEATURES  All the hosts present in the network along with their IP addresses can be discovered. Scans all the ports and give information about all the open and closed ports along with the port numbers. Determines the operating system of the hosts. Determines the application name and version number of remote devices. Finding and exploitin...